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Thank you all for watching! Athens Show 2023
Blog / Articles / Thank you all for watching! Athens Show 2023

Thank you all for watching! Athens Show 2023

Hello Vikings,


The Erotic Art Festival in Athens is over and it was a great Success for us & the beginning of Something New.

The Launch of this Website and the Beginning of streaming the Greatest & most Hardcore Sex Show

on Earth now directly into the Internet for you to enjoy.

Originally we planned to stream only one show, but because of you guys we streamed all the shows we performed since Saturday.

All our Liveshows have been recorded and will be published in our video section.

As always when starting something new and great, there were Challenges in many forms

Technological issues,

Lack of sleep,


to name a few of the challenges we faced.

Our support at Vicetemple was Wonderful and our tech & camera crew worked relentlessly with them on our streaming setup until we were really happy with the outcome. 

So we faced faced all the odds bravely and tackled all of them one by one as they came up! And indeed, we grew a lot in the process!

We are Happy for all the wonderful people that joined us in our sexual debauchery Online & in the Flesh in Athens.

Without you, our loyal tribe of warriors and supporters, we would not be on stage to shine for you.

We bathed in your cheers while we anointed the stage and you with Squirt.

The mails from our online crowd of spectators we received as well! Your support and compliments warmed our hearts and lubed our sexual orifices for the hot action.

You are amazing!

To become a member, you can join our tribe without cost here. Be sure to accept our newsletter and check in the spam folder to stay updated for all future events.

To our subscribers, those that went a step further and bought a membership to support our viking tribe, we are deeply grateful, you truly understand that you have to give something to receive something great.

Death (and our membership that comes with promotional offers and other surprises) is the only thing that you can get for free in this world of Midgard.

And the boredom of a grey existence is the consequence of a lifestyle of the coward.

However, as a warrior you can choose your Death to change Midgard & Pass the Gates of Valhalla. We can proudly proclaim that the Gates of Valhalla have never been as open

as they are today. To feast with your Comrades & honorable foes & enjoy the naughty company of the Valkyries you just have to choose a subscription. Or view some videos or fotosets.

We promise to continue our shows over Europe in Countries free enough to allow us to perform uncensored. For other Countries we’ll look for solutions as well.

In the moment signing up here is the best option you have.

We’ll not stop and offer you more possibilities to support us and get closer. And of course we’ll improve this website continuously to give our loyal tribe more possibilities to

immerse themselves in the Pleasures of Valhalla without leaving the privacy of their homes.


To Valhalla!